SOPK: Indian Market Represents Potential for Slovakia, Requires More Attention

včera 17:48
Kolkata, March 20 (TASR-correspondent) - Slovakia should pay much more attention to the Indian market, which is important due to import opportunities from this country or in terms of attracting more Indian investment to Slovakia, Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SOPK) head Peter Mihok told TASR in connection with the foreign trip made by Foreign Minister Juraj Blanar (Smer-SD) to India. "Indian entrepreneurs are among the richest in the world, they aren't very interested in small businesses. Therefore, if we could evaluate what could be interesting at the bilateral level, it should be at the highest, governmental level so that we could present it in government circles. But basically the key business people who are located in India or operating around the world are crucial," stated Mihok. According to the SOPK chair, if Slovakia wants to penetrate the Indian market, it must come up with something interesting and find good cooperation. In this context, Mihok drew attention to, for example, a number of quality software companies in Slovakia whose services could be of interest to India. "I can see a serious opportunity here for Slovakia to position itself on the Indian market," he stressed. am/df
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