Takac: Foot-and-mouth Disease Confirmed in Komarno and Dunajska Streda Districts

včera 11:52
Bratislava/Komarno/Dunajska Streda, March 21 (TASR) - The presence of foot-and-mouth disease in Slovakia has been confirmed at three livestock farms in the districts of Komarno (Nitra region) and Dunajska Streda (Trnava region), Agriculture Minister Richard Takac (Smer-SD) announced before the government session on Friday. "Foot-and-mouth disease has been confirmed at three farms in southern Slovakia, which is a very serious and very big problem. I'd also like to inform you that the National Commission for Infectious Disease Control will meet immediately after the government session," said the minister. Takac views it as most important for the national commission to meet and, together with the State Veterinary and Food Administration, to take steps to prevent the further spread of the virus. "I believe that we'll jointly manage to halt and handle it. It's something that hasn't been here for 50 years," he underlined. The minister stressed that if this viral disease is reported in a given herd, the entire herd must be culled. "The common task of all of us will be to do our utmost to prevent the virus from spreading and then, of course, we'll also address compensation for the affected farms. ko/df
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