Investments Minister Migal Believes Consensus Can Be Reached on Sports Laws

včera 12:42
Bratislava, March 21 (TASR) - Investments Minister Samuel Migal (Independent) believes that consensus can be reached on proposed amendments to laws put forward by former tourism and sport minister Dusan Keketi, and he will discuss his comments with new Tourism and Sport Minister Rudolf Huliak (Independent). As an MP, Migal didn't vote on sport legislation, which contributed towards Parliament lacking a quorum. "I had a discussion with Sport Minister Huliak about my objections, for example. We'll have a meeting on Friday, or my team will meet his team to go over the specific details of my comments regarding the sports law. I believe that we'll reach consensus so that the law can be passed in Parliament without any issues," he stated after Friday's government meeting. Migal believes that he and Huliak will find common ground to make the law effective. "Or at least, we'll structure it in a way that if the law is passed, we would be able to amend it again in the near future," he added. Parliament has attempted to vote on the amendments from the Tourism and Sport Ministry several times, but the sessions weren't quorate due to a lack of MPs. lin/df
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