All Susceptible Animals in Disease Outbreak Zone to Be Culled

dnes 15:01
Bratislava, March 21 (TASR) - All susceptible animals within a three-kilometre radius of the confirmed foot-and-mouth disease outbreak in Slovakia will be culled, and national preventive measures will include a ban on the movement of susceptible animals, excluding poultry, between farms and to slaughterhouses, stated State Veterinary and Food Administration head Martin Chudy on Friday, following a meeting of the National Commission for Infectious Diseases. The transport of animals should only be allowed along designated routes. Zoos across Slovakia will be closed. Chudy also announced a ban on markets and exhibitions, as well as the closure of animal collection centres. "We ask people not to enter any farms with livestock," he emphasised. So-called fords should be created on local roads in the districts of Dunajska Streda and Komarno. Another measure announced is a ban on entering forests in the Komarno and Dunajska Streda areas. Chudy urged people to disinfect their clothing and hands thoroughly. In addition to culling the affected livestock, the issue of burying animals is also being addressed. "We're selecting a location where this can take place," he added. As of Saturday (March 22), the veterinary and food administration will conduct epidemiological investigations at the outbreak sites. The public will be regularly updated on the situation. Foot-and-mouth disease has been confirmed at cattle farms in three villages in southern Slovakia – Medvedov, Narad and Baka (all Trnava region). The disease probably spread to Slovakia through the air from Hungary. lin/df
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