Foreign Ministry: UN Hasn't Sent Any Letter to Slovakia

včera 18:01
Bratislava, March 21 (TASR) - The United Nations (UN) hasn't sent any letter to Slovakia, Foreign and European Affairs Minister Juraj Blanar (Smer-SD) said in response to Friday's press conference by the opposition Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) party, which claimed that the UN has sent a letter to the minister stating that gross violations of rights have taken place in Slovakia. Blanar also accused SaS of lying and damaging Slovakia's reputation. "The Slovak Republic received a letter from eight out of a total of 60 special rapporteurs, including one independent expert. However, they aren't UN staff, but special rapporteurs and independent experts who speak exclusively on their own behalf, and in their letter they even make it clear that this is a statement by the special rapporteurs that doesn't represent the position of the United Nations itself," stressed the minister. The minister emphasised that the letter isn't an assessment of Slovakia and doesn't accuse Slovakia of human rights violations. "In the letter, the rapporteurs ask about information that, as they said, they have 'received', and therefore asked Slovakia to set the record straight on these allegations. This is further evidence that the information given to the rapporteurs was deliberately presented in such a way by someone with the aim of defaming and manipulating the image of what's happening in Slovakia," said Blanar, adding that Slovakia's task is therefore to respond objectively to the letter in order to acquaint the rapporteurs with the facts. According to Blanar, the ministry is a communicator in this process, stressing that none of the areas concerned fall under its direct remit. "The answers to the questions are therefore being dealt with by the relevant ministries," he added. SaS criticised Blanar on Friday, claiming that the UN has sent a letter in which it stated that gross violations of rights have taken place in Slovakia. The party spoke of the failure and incompetence of the Foreign Ministry in this regard. It also criticised the government for steps that it said went against UN demands. At the same time, it called on the minister and Premier Robert Fico (Smer-SD) to respect these demands. am/df
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