Takac: Slovakia to Request Compensation from EC for Foot-and-Mouth Disease
24. marca 2025 18:00
Brussels, March 24 (TASR) - Slovakia will prepare a detailed analysis of the damage caused by foot-and-mouth disease to submit to the European Commission in order to request compensation, said Slovak Agriculture Minister Richard Takac (Smer-SD) on Monday in Brussels, where an EU Agriculture Council meeting is taking place.
The minister specified that as of Monday, three farms in southern Slovakia are still affected by the viral disease, which was detected on Friday (March 21).
Takac noted that EU Council discussions regarding this animal disease are scheduled for the evening at the request of Hungary, which reported the disease in early March.
"I have a meeting scheduled with European Commissioner for Agriculture, Christophe Hansen, with whom I'll discuss this situation and the possibility of EU compensation," he said. He'll have a similar meeting with representatives of the European Commission's Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (DG Sante) regarding veterinary issues and compensation.
According to Takac, the European Commission has aid schemes and funds to provide compensation for farmers in member countries, which are applied in cases of climate crises or disease outbreaks. This was the case with African swine fever and avian influenza, and it also applies to foot-and-mouth disease.
Slovakia may also obtain additional funds for this area from the ongoing previous programme period through agricultural and rural development programmes.
"There are many possibilities. It all depends on the European Commission, how flexible and responsive it will be. I believe it will be very supportive. We are one common space, and this is an issue affecting several countries. We must stop it together," added Takac.
The Commission will provide compensation only after the final assessment of the damage caused by the disease to farmers and the national economy. Takac clarified for TASR that the Agriculture Ministry currently estimates the damage at around €10 million in terms of culled animals and milk losses alone.